
In compliance with Legislative Decree No. 24/2023, which came into effect on March 30, 2023, and transposes the EU Directive on Whistleblowing (2019/1937) into Italian law, the company has established an internal whistleblowing channel for unlawful acts through a dedicated platform. Unlawful acts are defined as:

  • Violations of the Code of Conduct or other internal policies of the organization. You can consult the Code of Ethics of our Organizational Model at the following link;
  • Actions subject to legal action (e.g., criminal, administrative, etc.);
  • Acts that may cause financial harm or damage to the organization’s reputation, as well as to other employees or anyone working within the same business environment;
  • Actions that could harm the environment or the health and safety of employees, clients, or the public.

Personal complaints or criticisms should not be included, only reports related to the cases listed above.Whistleblowers can submit a report of a suspected unlawful act by clicking the button below. The system provided by the company ensures full confidentiality for the whistleblower and protects the data submitted, in line with legal requirements and the principle of anonymity.